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Coaching through Gamification

Want to try Dungeons & Dragons? Want to try coaching? Why not both?

That's right. A coach that uses fun and games to help you reach your goals. This method places you as the hero of your story, with the coach acting as your guide. Play with like-minded people who are also seeking growth and support each other on your adventure both in the game and in real life. Why?

Because it works.

This method shifts mindsets into a more positive and holistic direction based on research in pop culture and game studies. Alternate weekly between gaming with your group and meeting 1:1 with your coach. By putting in the effort, showing up for yourself, and applying your coaching insights to your real life, you will get results. 

I’m looking for 3-4 players for Wednesdays from 7-9 pm ET beginning 6/5/24.

What’s required:
- Must want coaching and virtual TTRPG experience
- Must attend all coaching and gaming sessions
- Must provide feedback to the coach

What you get:
- A 3-month beginner-friendly campaign tailored towards your goals
- Life coaching with a certified coach for 3 months (7 sessions)
- A supportive and confidential experience emphasizing confidence, teamwork, and heroic mindsets.

This is a beta group, so your feedback is super important. A full 6-month version will launch later this year.


Join the -month beta prgram for $50 including coaching and a specially crafted gaming expereince. Unleash your inner hero Wednesdays from 7-9 ET beginning 6/5/24

Here's how the game works

As a game designed with your goals in mind, this program will place you and your party front and center. You will make choices that will affect the game's plot. Some events are left up to the dice. If this doesn't make sense, read my article on how Dungeons & Dragons Helped My Job Search.

1 /  Answer the Call: Decide to accept the challenge
2 / Assemble Your Party: Get your best people onboard
3 / Mindful Media: Find strength in the heroes you love
4 / Adventuring: Do the thing
5 / Celebration: Reward yourself, you earned it

Each step in this five-step process is crafted to bring you the most motivation and satisfaction with your goals. Every time you check in with your coach, we will assess which step you are on and where to go from here. 

Things to Know

1 / Tech

We will use Zoom, Discord, Roll20, & DnDBeyond, all available for free.

2 / Adult Language

There will likely be adult language. You may partake if you wish. Just a head’s up.

3 / Topics

Uncomfortable topics may come up. If you’d rather not talk about something, just say so.

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